Software Development

Databases - Parking Lot Application

Designed an application to help University Parking Services and manage the campus parking lot and it's users. The UPS issues parking permits to employees, students and visitors and there are different eligibility constraints for parking permits in the different lots as well as time restrictions for eligibility. In addition to the permits, UPS issues tickets/citations for parking violations and collects fees for them.

Python - GITS Command Line Tool

Developed a command line tool as a wrapper for git to automate some of the more complex git workflows. Written in python, used Travis CI for CI/CD, flake8 for style checking, Pytest for testing

Web Development - Peer Review System

Expertiza is a peer review system which produces resusable learning objects through active learning. We implemented the bookmark rating functionality using Ruby on Rails MVC framework. Students can rate the effectives of the bookmarks contributed by their peers using this feature. Fixed existing bugs with respect to rating average calculation logic and back button. Thoroughly tested both the model and controller using Rspec