
Srujana Rachakonda

Software Engineer



Hello, I am Srujana, a working professional in the IT industry, currently working as a Software Engineer at MathWorks. I completed my Masters in Computer Science from North Carolina State University, Raielgh. Outside of work, My interests include photography, reading and baking.


  • Software Development
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning


  • Master of Computer Science, 2020

    North Carolina State University, Raleigh

  • Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, 2018

    Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad



Software Engineer


Feb 2021 – Present Natick, MA
  • Developed a feature to import/export course content to support localization of online courses offered by MathWorks.
  • Developed web application and automated job powered by Spring Boot and React JS for managing access to business applications.

Intern in Engineering Development Group


May 2020 – Aug 2020 Natick, MA
  • Extended Swagger CodeGen open-source project to support MATLAB and generated API clients from API Docs in Yaml/Json. Encapsulated generated API clients into a toolbox leveraged by multiple teams.
  • Developed Rest APIs in Ruby on Rails leveraging Apache Solr, documented with OpenAPI Spec and augmented Swagger UI.
  • Built an automated framework for validating API doc in Java and REST Assured, triggered tests using TeamCity.

Graduate Teaching Assistant

NC State University

Aug 2019 – Dec 2020 Raleigh, NC

Assisting the professor in conducting the graduate level course CSC 412|512 - Compiler Construction


  • Grading Assignments, Midterms and Course Projects of 65 students
  • Conducting office hours and monitoring course forums every week for student queries
  • Proctoring exams

Quality Assurance Engineer


Jul 2018 – Jul 2019 Hyderabad, India
  • Developed test automation framework for web services using TestNG for service tests and protractor for UI testing, reduced manual testing efforts by 70%
  • Designed APIs to aid test-data generation for automated testing, used Mockito for unit testing

Quality Assurance Engineer Intern


May 2017 – Jul 2017 Hyderabad, India
Designed and executed an integration test framework in Java using TestNG for the Shipment Planning and Orchestration team responsible for transportation of millions of shipments across the Amazon logistics network


Scholarship for Advancement of Women

See certificate



Data Science and Machine Learning - Prediction of Parkinson’s Disease Progression

Predicted the Total UPDRS score based on 6000 records from the Parkinson’s telemonitoring dataset using various regression techniques. …

Databases - Parking Lot Application

Designed an application to help University Parking Services and manage the campus parking lot and it’s users. The UPS issues …

Deep Learning - Terrain Identification for Time Series Data

Implemented an LSTM model with shifting and down sampling the data to achieve an F1 score of 0.868, a signification improvement over …

Natural Language Processing - Sentiment Analysis

Performed sentiment analysis on a crowd sourced movie review dataset with doc2vec model for vectorization pre-trained on IMDB movie …

Python - GITS Command Line Tool

Developed a command line tool as a wrapper for git to automate some of the more complex git workflows. Written in python, used Travis …

Web Development - Peer Review System

Expertiza is a peer review system which produces resusable learning objects through active learning. We implemented the bookmark rating …

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  • Boston, MA 01760